Call for information about Criterion’s Asbestos testing services.

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Criterion’s licensed Asbestos Inspectors locate and sample suspicious materials in homes and buildings for confirmation of the presence of Asbestos. Criterion’s Asbestos Inspectors also quantify and assess the condition of suspicious materials. Contact Criterion to schedule an asbestos inspection or asbestos air monitoring project.
About Asbestos
The name Asbestos refers to the group of materials identified by long, thin mineral fibers. These materials are found naturally in rock and soil. Asbestos has favorable properties; specifically, including a resistance to burning and an extreme melting temperature (~1600°F). Therefore, asbestos has useful properties for fireproofing and other applications. Asbestos is dangerous and toxic. For more information, visit the EPA’s website on Asbestos.
Where is Asbestos?
Asbestos was widely used in construction and building materials before the side-effects of asbestos exposure were discovered. Asbestos is found in insulation, roofing, floor & ceiling tile, certain cement products, friction products, heat-resistant fabric, and other materials. There are over 3,000 common products and materials that may contain asbestos. The EPA describes where asbestos can be found in Schools and Buildings.
Dangers of Asbestos
Asbestos in homes and buildings is classified as either friable or non-friable. Friable asbestos is a material that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. A material that has begun to deteriorate due to age, weathering, or wear and tear can become friable. Non-friable asbestos cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Friable asbestos is especially hazardous because the fibers can easily become airborne. Non-friable asbestos can become friable when subjected to unusual conditions, including demolition or renovation. When inhaled, the asbestos fibers accumulate in the lungs, leading to diseases including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.
If you suspect your home contains friable asbestos-containing material, consider contacting an asbestos inspector near me with asbestos certifications. Call today for a free asbestos consultation: (215) 244-1300
Testing for Asbestos
Asbestos Inspections and Asbestos Surveys identify the presence of asbestos throughout the property. During the inspection, an inspector collects samples of suspicious materials, which are analyzed in an accredited laboratory for confirmation. Since asbestos fibers are invisible to the naked eye, asbestos analysis is performed using Polarized Light Microscopy. Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are any material containing >1% asbestos. Organizations like NIOSH, EPA, OSHA, and ASTM publish methods describing the appropriate techniques for asbestos testing.
Criterion’s laboratory is accredited to test for asbestos. We also do Asbestos Inspections, and Criterion’s Training Courses provide training for licensed asbestos professionals.
Asbestos Abatement
Criterion does not perform asbestos abatement. Criterion offers Asbestos Air Testing and Monitoring during asbestos abatement, and final clearance testing. Here is a list of Abatement Contractors.
Complete Asbestos Testing Services
Criterion provides a full-range of Asbestos Testing Services. Call us today to speak with our Licensed Asbestos Professionals: (215) 244-1300.
- Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Supervisor, Asbestos Worker, Asbestos Management Planner
- Abatement Air Monitoring
- Facility & Building Inspections
- Abatement Project Design
- Asbestos Management Plans
- AHERA 6-month Surveillance
- AHERA 3-year Inspection
- OSHA Personal Monitoring
- Asbestos Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Programs
- Asbestos Laboratory Analysis
- Air, Soil, & Bulk Building Materials
Asbestos Air Testing
Criterion performs Asbestos air testing, monitoring, and oversight during and after asbestos abatement to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Criterion’s Industrial Hygienists meticulously log their daily activities and use calibrated pumps and filtered cassettes to ensure that asbestos is not released during abatement, and asbestos clearance tests verify that the area is safe to re-occupy upon completion. All of Criterion’s asbestos air monitors are NIOSH-trained, and they use Phase Contract Microscopy (PCM) on-site to quantitatively analyze air samples for asbestos. Personnel air monitoring can also be reported for OSHA compliance.
Asbestos Inspectors
Criterion performs Facility Inspections to recognize and collect suspicious materials for the purpose of identifying all asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos inspections comply with AHERA for schools, pre-demolition and renovation requirements for local building permits, real estate transactions and occupant concerns. Criterion’s asbestos Inspectors are fully qualified to assess material conditions and recommend appropriate corrective action.
Asbestos Abatement Project Design
Any construction, renovation, or demolition activities that will disturb asbestos-containing materials must first utilize a licensed asbestos abatement contractor. Criterion’s Certified Asbestos Project Designers customize work plans and specifications to ensure that the work adheres to federal, state, and local regulations. Criterion notifies the appropriate regulatory authorities and ensures that the work is completed on schedule.
AHERA Asbestos Inspector
Many older school buildings still have asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM). The EPA’s Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires asbestos inspection of schools every three years to reassess the condition of asbestos-containing materials. The inspection documents the current condition of the asbestos materials. Additionally, six-month surveillances monitor the condition of the asbestos materials.
Criterion’s asbestos inspections services include preparation of Asbestos Management Plans. These plans document asbestos locations, inspection dates, future plans, and recommendations.
Asbestos Testing Lab
Criterion’s Asbestos Testing Lab performs asbestos testing in Air, Water, Soil, and Bulk Building Materials. Our lab specializes in PLM analysis for Asbestos using EPA Method 600 R 93 116 (600/R-93/116) and PCM analysis for Airborne Fiber Counting using NIOSH Methods 7400 582 and is fully accredited by NVLAP (Lab Code 102046-0) and the AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs (AIHA-LAP, LLC, LAP-100424) under the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Accreditation Program (IHLAP).
- PLM (Polarized Light Microscopy) EPA 600/R-93/116 & 40 CFR, Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix E (formerly Subpart F, Appendix A)
- EPA Point Count (400 & 1000 Points)
- PLM Gravimetric Analysis US EPA 600/R-93/116
- PLM Vermiculite
- PLM Sediment Analysis – EPA Superfund Site
- Asbestos by XRD- EPA 600 Friable & Non-friable Bulk Qualitative
- Asbestos by XRD- EPA 600 Friable & Non-friable Bulk Quantitative
- EPA 600/R-04/004 – Weight % Asbestos in Vermiculite
- PCM (Phase Contrast Microscopy) AIR – NIOSH 7400 A&B Counting Rules
- TEM – Asbestos AIR- AHERA
- TEM – Asbestos AIR- EPA Level 2 & Level 2 Modified
- TEM – Asbestos AIR- NIOSH 7402 (TEM)
- TEM – Asbestos BULK- ASTM, Surface DustTEM – Asbestos BULK- ASTM, Surface Dust
- TEM – Asbestos BULK- TEM Bulk, Semi-Quantitative Bulk Building Material