
Determine What Lead Class You Need
The following information will help you determine which Lead course(s) you will need. A link that will take you to the training portion of our

Fee Increase for PA Asbestos & Lead License Applications
Effective November 3, 2018, PA Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) has increased license application fees for all types of Asbestos & Lead licenses. Please

Real Estate Disclosure
Homebuyers and Renters: Know Your Rights Before You Buy or Lease Many homes and condominiums built before 1978 have lead-based paint. Paint that has chipped

EPA Takes Action to Protect Public from Harmful Lead Exposure
CONTACT:Carissa Cyrancyran.carissa@epa.gov202-564-4363202-564-4355 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 18, 2014 WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced enforcement actions that will require 35 home renovation contractors

EPA Requires Property Management Company to Mitigate LBP Hazards
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A Rhode Island property management company has been ordered by the US EPA to pay a penalty of $21,857 and perform an

Lead RRP Update: Input on RRP for Public & Commercial Buildings
Lead RRP Update: Input on RRP for Public & Commercial BuildingsEPA has published a notice of a public meeting that will be held June 26,