Philadelphia's new Lead Paint Disclosure and Certification Rule (Chapter 6-800)
January 04, 2013
City of Philadelphia Bill No. 100011-A, an ordinance, was passed on December 15, 2011 and signed by the Mayor on December 21, 2011.
Landlords have had one (1) year to comply (December 21, 2012). Fines can exceed $2,000. All tenants who leased in the last year must also have ‘Lead Free’ or ‘Lead Safe’ certification.
Inspections must be performed by a certified lead inspector approved by the City. At this time, the EPA Lead Dust Sampling certification or a Lead Assessor/Risk Assessor designation will qualify with registration with the City of Philadelphia.
Criterion can supply training for those lessors who wish to “do it themselves”. Criterion can provide training and lab analysis of the lead samples.
Criterion can also perform the lead paint inspections, reports, certificates and City notifications.
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